Three Reasons Why Spyderco Is a Name You Can Trust for Knives

by | Aug 19, 2019 | Business

In the field of folding knives, there are numerous manufacturers. However, Spyderco has fostered a kind of brand loyalty unique in the industry. There are three reasons this is the case.

Spyderco Invests in Research
While designing its products, the company explores exotic metals, design options, and useful functionality. For example, the patented Spyderco Hole allows a user to fold out the blade using only one hand. This option revolutionized the personal knife, and it has seen quite a few copycats since its introduction. This is but one of the many innovations the company brought to its line of knives. All Spyderco knives are the products of attention to detail and rigorously tested novelty.

Spyderco Believes In Its Customers
In addition to in-house research, Spyderco listens to its customers. In terms of customer service, the company regularly receives high marks. However, they also answer the needs their customers express. Spyderco has enjoyed a reputation for creativity, and some of its innovations have come about based on listening to their customer’s concerns, boiling those individual concerns down to their essence, and then finding a fresh way to address them.

High-Quality Design for a Modest Price Point
Spyderco is a company name that engenders trust for its products and for good reason. The blades cut well. The serrated edges are functional. The reliability is unquestionable. Spyderco knives have obvious quality at first sight, as evidenced by the hole, the handle, the folding blade and the weight in your hand. These are all high-quality designs. Looking a bit deeper reveals a reliable split spring locking mechanism that is one of the best in the industry. However, the costs are modest for such high-quality construction and design. These knives are made for actual use, they are designed to have long lives, and they are still reasonably priced.

For your first or next purchase of Spyderco knives, be sure to visit Blade City online to view the selection available.